Wednesday, May 29, 2013

L.L.B. (Lovely Little Bookshop)

I went on vacation this weekend and found a little bookshop called the Book Factory or something like that and it was one of the best kind of the bookshops.

You know when you walk in and a little smile touches your lips and you think to yourself "Yes, yes, ALL the books!" and immediately zone in on one (or twenty) and end up buying something whether or not you had planned to do so? Yes, well it was that kind of bookshop.

I found a Keep Calm and Read On pin.

I also found a shelf full of John Green feels. I've only read the Fault In Our Stars and Looking for Alaska so far, so don't tell me anything about the other ones!

The Young Adult section: split between "eh, why was this even published" and "this will be my favorite book forever, oh no actually this one will etc". 

So I got two books, The Theory of Everything by J.J. Johnson (which I will eventually review) and Wildwood by Colin Meloy (which I have not yet read). In addition to that, I am devouring reading the Sherlock Holmes novels and stories by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (which I will inevitably speak of again because I love Sherlock Holmes).

Good morrow and all that!

(also, yes, Instagram overload, I am aware, but I don't feeling like editing or anything right now)


Once upon a time...I really needed something to do so I started another blog even though I don't keep up with my other one. Yeah...

Anyway, I started this blog for a few reasons.

 First because I wanted to, quite frankly, because book blogs are interesting and I like writing about books and giving my opinions.

Second because since my other blog is sewing-knitting-crafting stuff, I don't post books on there.

Third, when I'm not sewing-knitting-crafting, I'm on the Internet and so I need motivation to get off and read. This, I hope, will become my motivation. Maybe.

Fourth, I started writing a bunch of reviews on random word documents on my computer and  I would much rather share my opinions than hide them in my endless maze of files.

Five, I can't think of another reason but five is a good number, don't you think?

So those are my reasons. I like to read; I don't read much anymore. I like to write; I write less. Solution: write a blog about reading. I'm so brilliant, I know. (joke, that's a joke)

In addition to book reviews and opinions, I might write book/reading/writing/stories/TV show related anecdotes to keep you all entertained.