Wednesday, May 29, 2013


Once upon a time...I really needed something to do so I started another blog even though I don't keep up with my other one. Yeah...

Anyway, I started this blog for a few reasons.

 First because I wanted to, quite frankly, because book blogs are interesting and I like writing about books and giving my opinions.

Second because since my other blog is sewing-knitting-crafting stuff, I don't post books on there.

Third, when I'm not sewing-knitting-crafting, I'm on the Internet and so I need motivation to get off and read. This, I hope, will become my motivation. Maybe.

Fourth, I started writing a bunch of reviews on random word documents on my computer and  I would much rather share my opinions than hide them in my endless maze of files.

Five, I can't think of another reason but five is a good number, don't you think?

So those are my reasons. I like to read; I don't read much anymore. I like to write; I write less. Solution: write a blog about reading. I'm so brilliant, I know. (joke, that's a joke)

In addition to book reviews and opinions, I might write book/reading/writing/stories/TV show related anecdotes to keep you all entertained.

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