Friday, June 6, 2014

On a more serious note

I wrote a poem in honor of the soldiers who stormed the beaches of Normandie on June 6, 1914, one hundred years ago.

In honor of the soldiers of the Normandie beaches and all others besides

The old man walks
onto the beach

where the sea still surges
and the wind still stings 

just as it did on that day.

he sees the sand
and smells the blood
that stains it

he sees the waves
and hears the men
that drown

he closes his eyes
and remembers

he sits

besides the fallen
besides his friends

and thinks
about the madness
at world's end

on that day

he sees the shots

he sees the sands

he sees the men

he sees himself

to be borne to war

to live to see it end

to come back 
to make amends

for that day. 

when the flags failed and 
the men fell

when this place on earth
turned to hell

he turns to the sea
and remembers

he turns to the sea
and weeps.

for the soldiers
for the friends
for the families
for those whose memories

we keep. 

As usual, please be considerate and don't steal my writing. (Feel free to use it, but please give me credit!)

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