Sunday, December 29, 2013

Indisputable Winner

I have found it.

My indisputably favorite movie.

Le Fabuleux Destin d'Amélie Poulain by Jean-Pierre Jeunet.

The title in English is just Amélie, but because I like the French one a lot more, here is the translation of it: The Fabulous Destiny of Amélie Poulain. 

This movie... I have grown up with it without ever seeing it. My parents love it too, and so bought the soundtrack. I grew up with the music from this movie. This year, however, I got it for Christmas. 

Wow. I mean, just, simply breathtaking. 

This movie is the story of a young girl Amélie who grew up in a really dysfunctional family. She dealt with it by imaging a whole world of her own, seeing magic and beauty in all the ordinary things around her. Then, when she was old enough to leave home, she moved to Paris. The thing is, Amélie is very, very shy. She is quiet and passive. Until one day, she finds something that changes her life. From then on, she decides that she wants to make all the people around her happy. Thus ensue many adventures of the most delightful kind. 

What I love about this movie, other than Amélie (played by Audrey Tautou) and Nino (played by Mathieu Kassovitz), is how it was shot. It's very unexpected and unconventional. Which makes it very hard to explain. But the effect is beautiful and original, very romantic and fantastical.

I really recommend this movie. It's the kind of film that I believe cinemas were created for: heartwarming, emotional, and profound. 

One warning though, it is rated R, so there are scenes that may be, ah, inappropriate for kids.

And it's in French, but don't let that stop you. Watch it with subtitles, I don't know, but do watch it somehow.

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