Monday, June 10, 2013

Rainy Day Tunes

So, it's raining. And it's supposed to rain for the next few days.

For your convenience I have compiled a list of things to do when it rains.

Listen to Of Monsters and Men. Their music is just perfect rainy day music.


Read Sherlock Holmes.

Watch Lord of the Rings.


(I didn't make those by the way, but I wish I had)

Snuggle with your cat. The fatter the cat, the better.

Lounge around, listening to the raindrops hit the window.

I always find rain inspiring. It's a connection, in a way, to people around the world. Where else did this water fall? Who else looked up to the gray sky and felt the rain wash over their face?

I love rain.


  1. (As you know) I positively adore rain too! I just got inside from it, and I plan to do much of what is listed (substituting chubby puppy for fat cat, naturally)

    1. Chubby puppies earn extra points because they kiss you back while cats just sit there looking incredibly pleased with themselves.
